Sunday, September 11, 2011

Plastic VS metallic.

In some cases we prefer one feature against other.
Let me tell You about how I prefer plastic or metal parts in EDC furniture.

1. Plastic.
Pros are - lightest, durable in bending and shockproofness. Cheap.
Weak side is wearing condition, cheap looking (in some cases), not a strong matherial.
In other words best is weight, bad is strenght. Best for using in bags as it can't scratch other stuff, lighweight, cheap and can be modified with force.

2. Metallic.
Pros are - strenght of material blahblahblah - opposite to plastic.
Weak side is weight, scrathing any glass and plastic, rare hi-quality gear.
Best using everywhere, whenether plastics are not good.

3. Combo parts.
I think that two worlds met at their best - combo parts. I mean when You use paracord over split ring for example, combine using plastic and metallic at bags and so on. Later I will show You a concept of DIY bag made of cordura with many cool functions and containing a lot of plastic and metallic furniture.

PS: I will add some pictures to my blog some later. It too dark at day due to weather. In some days I create more illustrating pictures.

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